The Skulls III
In this third installment of the thriller series, the story follows Taylor Brooks, a determined college student who becomes the first female candidate to join the secretive and powerful society known as The Skulls. As she navigates the dangerous and manipulative world of the elite group, Taylor uncovers dark secrets that put her life at risk. Clare Kramer stars in the lead role, delivering a compelling performance. The film, directed by J. Miles Dale, explores themes of ambition, power, and betrayal. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Thriller
Director: J. Miles Dale
Actors: Alison Sealy-Smith, Barry Bostwick, Brooke D'Orsay, Bryce Johnson, Clare Kramer, Dean McDermott, Len Cariou, Maria del Mar, Steve Braun, Toby Proctor
Country: Canada
Company: Newmarket Capital Group, Original Film, Universal Pictures Home Entertainment (UPHE)