Set in the gritty underworld of 1960s and 70s England, this film follows the true story of John McVicar, a notorious British criminal who becomes a symbol of rebellion and resilience. Directed by Tom Clegg, the movie stars Roger Daltrey, the lead singer of The Who, in a compelling performance as McVicar. The narrative delves into McVicar’s life, from his daring prison escapes to his eventual quest for redemption. While the film did not receive major awards, it is notable for its authentic portrayal of the era and its engaging soundtrack. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Tom Clegg
Actors: Adam Faith, Billy Murray, Brian Hall, Cheryl Campbell, Georgina Hale, Malcolm Tierney, Matthew Scurfield, Peter Jonfield, Roger Daltrey, Steven Berkoff
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Polytel, The Who Films