Love Finds You in Charm
In this 2015 romantic drama directed by Terry Cunningham, a young Amish woman named Emma Miller, played by Danielle Chuchran, embarks on a journey of self-discovery. Leaving her small community in Indiana, she travels to Charm, Ohio, where she encounters new experiences and faces the challenge of balancing her traditional upbringing with her desire for independence. Along the way, Emma meets intriguing characters, including a charming book editor and a local Amish man, which leads her to question her future. The film explores themes of love, identity, and cultural conflict. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Terry Cunningham
Actors: Danielle C. Ryan, Drew Fuller, Kaitlyn Sapp, Meg Wittman, Rohn Thomas, Tiffany Dupont, Trevor Donovan
Country: United States of America
Company: Mission Pictures International