The evidence collected against the Centauri is presented to the council of the Interstellar Alliance, and a boycott against the Centauri is issued. In reaction, the Centauri withdrawal from the…
The telepaths have barred themselves inside an area of Downbelow, and their telepathic tricks force Lochley to ask Bester for help. G’Kar finds an old friend locked in a cell…
The Brakiri buy a part of Babylon 5 for a religious ceremony where the dead are supposed to return. Comedians Rebo and Zooty arrive to do a show on the…
Sheridan hatches an eccentric plan to convince the League to accept White Star patrols on their borders, while Delenn seeks help from Neroon to end the civil war that has…
With the Shadows next target known, a massive counterattack is prepared. Ivanova and Marcus scout ahead in the White Star, while the fleet stands by in hyperspace. At the same…
Morden returns to secure Londo’s cooperation again, Garibaldi confronts Franklin about the stims and Kosh gives Sheridan a victory against the Shadows – but at a price.
The renegade destroyer ””Alexander”” arrives at Babylon 5 and Sheridan is forced to announce the station’s secession from the Earth Alliance, and prepare for an attack by Clark’s forces. Meanwhile…
Clark has just declared marshal law, and while Nightwatch prepare to take control of the station, Zack has to decide whose side he’s on. In an exercise of bad timing,…
An Earthforce investigator comes to B5 with Lt. Keffer’s last recording, asking the ambassadors if they recognize the ship in it. Meanwhile Londo takes steps to remove himself from the…
Sheridan is assaulted by the Minbari Lovell, and is forced to kill him in self-defense. But a Minbari who witnessed the incident claims Sheridan assaulted Lovell – and everybody knows…
The aging Centauri emperor travels to Babylon 5 despite his failing health. Refa sees this as an opportunity to have Londo publicly embarrass the emperor, while G’Kar prepares to assassinate…
A mysterious group known as ””techno-mages”” take up temporary residence at Babylon 5 and Londo is very eager to get an audience with them. Meanwhile the Drazi cause problems for…