Claire’s race for town council comes to a head on Election Day as the Dunphys make phone calls for votes and Mitchell and Cameron take to the streets to campaign,…
With everyone caught up in the sensational trial of luscious young Gloria, accused of the murder of her 93 year old husband, Allison begins seeing the face of a man…
The NCIS team is called in to stop a naval officer from committing suicide by jumping off a rooftop, but when the suicide attempt turns into a murder, the NCIS…
When a 14-year-old violinist disappears on the night of a concert, the team follows her and her valuable violin’s trail and Samantha bravely tries to recover from the gunshot wound.
Frasier and Niles become a big hit when, at a party, they serve beluga caviar they purchased on the black market. Meanwhile, Martin has a tough time returning $40 an…
Odo is affected by the disease threatening to eliminate his race more than he lets on to, while Kira has to deal with the Cardassian’s dislike of her. Even though…
Kira gets sent behind Cardassian lines in an effort to train them in resistance fighting. When Dr. Bashir learns of the deadly disease that Odo is infected with, he gets…
After the Breen attack Earth, mixed emotions abound on DS9. Having revealed her secret regarding the Prophets to Dukat, Kai Winn turns her back on them, only to be convinced…
The warrior caste has surrounded the religious caste’s stand in the capital city on Minbar, and demand they surrender or be destroyed. Meanwhile Bester makes Lyta an offer for her…
Sheridan hatches an eccentric plan to convince the League to accept White Star patrols on their borders, while Delenn seeks help from Neroon to end the civil war that has…
Garibaldi investigates an area where a maintenance worker disappeared and finds a whole floor that was forgotten after construction, including its rather strange inhabitants. Meanwhile Delenn is about to take…
Two officials from the Ministry of Peace come to Babylon 5; one to deal with the Centauri’s continued expansion, and the other to check on the local Nightwatch. Meanwhile a…
While leading a Starfury squadron to investigate the disappearance of several ships, Sheridan is captured by an alien vessel. Meanwhile Delenn is summoned to appear before the Grey Council to…
A Minbari war cruiser comes to Babylon 5 to display the body of a recently dead Minbari leader, while Ivanova and Talia battle for the fate of a young girl…
Star Trek: The Next Generation Season 4 Episode 17
Season 4
IMDb: 7.1
Air Date: 1991-03-18
Troi faces a recurring nightmare when the Enterprise is caught in a rift in space. Soon, the crew begins to slip into insanity through dream deprivation.
During a cargo flight,Brian and Joe see a UFO. Despite Joe’s concerns about bringing down unfavorable media attention to Sandpiper, Brian reports the sighting to the FAA. Brian’s report is…