Eph must choose between Zack’s safety and the safety of the citizens of NYC. Meanwhile, his relationship with Nora reaches a critical impasse, and Gus and Angel assemble an unlikely…
Eph and Nora experiment on their newfound patients. Fet and Dutch grow closer as they clear out the neighborhood buildings, and Kelly begins her hunt for Zack.
Audrey is the only one who realizes that there are Christmas decorations in July that no one else finds unusual. The out-of-season decorations are only a prelude to the bizarre…
When the SRU is called to the scene of an upper class household where four hostages are being held, they discover that the hostage taker is actually the boyfriend of…
On 3 July 1988, during the Iran–Iraq War, the USS Vincennes launches missiles which bring down Iran Air Flight 655, killing all 290 people on board. The crew of the…
David and Jill make a trip to Colorado where a rampant SARS-like outbreak is occurring. David is in shock when he discovers that the outbreak is Spanish Flu, the virus…
Santos starts up his presidential campaign in New Hampshire, where he immediately disagrees with Josh on campaign philosophy: ”No opposition research, no dirt on our opponents.” Josh has an uncomfortable…
NorBAC has been taken over by a joint command to deal with a catastrophic smallpox scenario. Bob tries to find a cure for his dog that is suffering from histiocytosis….