Thirty years in the future, rich but lonely game show host Nick prepares to flee a dying Earth. But first, he has to track down the perfect plus-one.
On the last night of camp, bowel problems, a talent show and a hookup lead to hurt feelings. Back home, Jay and Lola throw a pool party.
Batman and Commissioner Gordon go camping but instead of fun outdoor activities they’d rather watch TV.
The Titans team up with Shazam in order to defeat the evil Mr. Mind.
When he isn’t invited to Beast Boy’s birthday party, Robin throws his own party with special guest Bob Uecker.
The Titans want to be the scariest trick-or-treaters in town, so Raven casts a spell to turn them into real monsters.
Aqualad uses shrimps and prime rib to try to win back Raven.
The Titans are excited to see the movie version of their favorite show ”Babies vs Dogs”.
The Titans find it odd when Starfire becomes friends with an ice cream scoop.
Control Freak attempts to prove his point about classic superhero cartoons by sending the Titans to a former version of ”Teen Titans Go!”
Robin introduces the other Titans to a money-making application but they soon learn the dangers of a shareconomy.
The Titans become hackers to stop a gang of computer pirates.
The Tooth Fairy tries to take over Easter.
It’s St. Patrick’s Day and after wishing to become a leprechaun, Beast Boy becomes obsessed with gold.
Beast Boy writes a song for Raven to express his feelings, then begins touring with the song, which upsets Raven.
Robin is determined to continue his streak of stopping 52 crimes during crime season.
When Santa decides to quit, the Titans pitch in to save Christmas.
Cyborg and Starfire booby-trap the Tower for safety.
The Titans try to remember how to be superheroes in order to stop The Brain.
Robin eavesdrops on the Titans and grant them wishes to teach them life lessons, but things didn’t go as he hoped.