Barry is out for vengeance. Noho Hank faces the looming threat of being sent home. Sally makes a split-second decision on the night of the acting class’ big performance. Fuches…
A frustrated Barry misses an acting class to honor an obligation. Detectives Moss and Loach try to piece together a murder puzzle. Gene presses Barry to take more risks. Sally…
In the wake of shocking news, Gene encourages his students to channel their feelings into their work. Resolved to quit his job and put the past behind him, Barry tries…
Barry, a disillusioned hit man, is sent to Los Angeles to kill an aspiring actor who is having an affair with a Chechen mob leader’s wife. After following his target…
This series offers affectionate spoofs of some of the most famous documentaries globally. Every episode is crafted in a unique documentary filmmaking style, paying tribute to significant tales that never…