Infidelity In Suburbia
In this 2017 thriller directed by David Winning, the seemingly perfect life of a suburban housewife unravels as she becomes entangled in a dangerous affair. The film stars Sarah Butler, who delivers a compelling performance as the protagonist caught in a web of deceit and betrayal. As tensions rise, the story explores themes of trust, loyalty, and the consequences of infidelity. While the movie did not receive any notable awards, it offers a gripping narrative that keeps viewers on edge. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 19
Director: David Winning
Actors: Arlo Hajdu, Jason William Lee, Jay Hindle, Lucie Guest, Marcus Rosner, Maria Meadows, Miranda Frigon, Peter Benson, Robin T. Rose, Sarah Butler
Country: Canada
Company: Annuit Coeptis Entertainment II, Johnson Production Group