Directed by Alejandro G. Iñárritu, this poignant drama follows Uxbal, a man living in the underbelly of Barcelona, as he grapples with his own mortality while trying to secure a future for his children. Javier Bardem delivers a powerful performance as Uxbal, navigating a world filled with moral complexities and personal struggles. The film was nominated for two Academy Awards, including Best Foreign Language Film and Best Actor for Bardem. It offers a raw and emotional exploration of life, death, and redemption. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Alejandro G. Iñárritu
Actors: Cheikh Ndiaye, Cheng Taishen, Diaryatou Daff, Eduard Fernández, George Chibuikwem Chukwuma, Guillermo Estrella, Hanaa Bouchaib, Javier Bardem, Luo Jin, Maricel Álvarez
Company: Focus Features, Menageatroz, Mod Producciones
Worldwide Gross: $25,147,786