The Games Maker
In this imaginative adventure, a young boy named Ivan Drago becomes fascinated with board games and discovers a mysterious competition that leads him on a journey filled with intrigue and danger. As he delves deeper into the world of games, he uncovers secrets about his family and a villainous figure who threatens his newfound passion. The film features standout performances from stars such as David Mazouz and Joseph Fiennes. Directed by Juan Pablo Buscarini, this visually captivating tale combines elements of fantasy and mystery. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Director: Juan Pablo Buscarini
Actors: Alejandro Awada, Ayşen Batıgün, David Mazouz, Ed Asner, Edward Asner, Joseph Fiennes, Megan Charpentier, Tom Cavanagh, Toto Rovito, Valentina Lodovini, Vando Villamil
Country: Argentina, Canada, Italy
Company: 7Glab Entertainment, DAP Italy, Pampa Films, Sepia Films
Worldwide Gross: $4,437,634