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Ned’s Declassified School Survival Guide Season 1 Episode 8

Ned’s Declassified School Survival Guide Season 1 Episode 8

School Elections: Ned doesn’t want to run for class president because it’s a popularity contest. Moze and Cookie think he’d be great. Ned tries to drop out by vandalizing, starting food fights, and that. It comes down to the undecided vote, Coconut Head! Now its a mission to find out who he will vote for. Talent Show: Ned and Cookie create ”Talentpalooza” when kids are excluded from the school talent show. Moze must decide which of her many talents would be good for the show. Cookie gets people out of the regular talent show and into ”Talentpalooza” which gets the principal mad.

Ned’s Declassified School Survival Guide Season 1 Episode 8