The Orphan Killer
“The Orphan Killer” is a groundbreaking slasher film that challenges traditional genre boundaries. It surpasses contemporary gore trends, carving out a new niche in horror centered on extreme suffering. The story follows Marcus Miller, a relentless serial killer determined to instill a twisted sense of family loyalty in his estranged sister, Audrey. His methods involve inflicting intense and shocking pain. However, as Audrey endures this brutal torment, it becomes clear that Marcus isn’t the only one in the family with a killer instinct, as Audrey emerges as a surprisingly strong opponent.
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Director: Matt Farnsworth
Actors: Charlotte Maier, Dana DeVestern, David Backus, Diane Foster, Edward Winrow, James McCaffrey, John Savage, Karen Young, Matt Farnsworth, Spencer List
Country: United States of America
Company: Full Fathom 5, Matt Farnsworth Films (MFF)