Holy Motors
In this surreal and enigmatic film directed by Leos Carax, the story follows Monsieur Oscar, played by Denis Lavant, as he embarks on a series of mysterious “appointments” throughout Paris. Each appointment requires him to transform into a different character, ranging from a beggar to a motion-capture performer, exploring themes of identity and performance. The film is noted for its unique narrative structure and visual style, and it was well-received at the Cannes Film Festival, winning the prestigious Prix de la Jeunesse. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Leos Carax
Actors: Denis Lavant, Edith Scob, Élise Lhomeau, Eva Mendes, Jeanne Disson, Kylie Minogue, Leos Carax, Michel Piccoli, Nastya Golubeva Carax, Reda Oumouzoune
Country: Belgium, France, Germany
Company: Pandora Filmproduktion, Pierre Grise Productions, Theo Films
Worldwide Gross: $1,953,562