Born Strong
“Born Strong” chronicles the journey of the four most powerful men in the world. Annually, the Arnold Strongman Classic determines the victor in the ultimate strength challenge. This year’s competition is notable, as each contender weighs over 400 pounds. Zydrunas Savickas from Lithuania, aged 40, is hailed as the Strongest Man Ever, though he might be past his peak. American Brian Shaw, the reigning champion, stands at 6’8″ and weighs 425 pounds, appearing ready to defend his title. Eddie Hall from England is the “hungry wolf,” eager to break through. “I’ll do anything,” he declares. “I’ll die, if I have to.” Lastly, there’s Hafthor Bjornsson from Iceland, known for his role as the Mountain in Game of Thrones. He is the youngest competitor, yet possibly the most promising. “It’s great to see these Monsters,” remarks Arnold Schwarzenegger, the event’s host and a former bodybuilding legend. “Born Strong” captures the intense drama as these extraordinary titans face off.
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Genre: Documentary, Drama, Sport
Director: Gary Cohen, Ross Hockrow
Actors: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Brian Shaw, Eddie Hall, Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson, Mark Henry, Zydrunas Savickas
Country: United States of America
Company: Triple Threat Television